Independent Security & ICT Consultants SYDNEY | BRISBANE

Independent Security Consultants

Cornerstone Security Consulting are national

independent security consultants

  specialising in electronic and physical security design, engineering, and risk management.

At Cornerstone Security Consulting we not only examine current security threats, we also look over the horizon at emerging and future threats to ensure we are current in using advanced technology and best practice engineering to achieve the highest possible standard in protecting our client's people, facilities, assets, homes, and information; now and well into the future.

Client-Centric & Independent!

Cornerstone Security Consulting is a "client-centric" and "strictly" vendor-neutral Security Consultancy that offers holistic security solutions to a wide variety of industries, organizations, facilities, and project types.

We are not affiliated with any manufacturer, distributor, or security company so our recommendations and project deliverables are unbiased and impartial.

This allows us to help reduce risks and costs while still maintaining the best available options for procurement and deployment.

Security Consultants SYDNEY | BRISBANE

Security Consultants

We provide "independent" advice on all types of physical and electronic security systems including; CCTV, Digital Video Surveillance, Intruder Detection, Access Control, Perimeter Security, Biometric Systems and ICT networks.
Security Consultants SYDNEY | BRISBANE

Physical Security Audits

Different threat levels require adjustments in security procedures, policies, and security systems configuration to meet the varying threats and keep people safe.

These measures can range from building hardening, lockdowns, or other changes, that need to be planned for and setup well in advance of any incidents.
Hostile Vehicle Mitigation Specialists SYDNEY | BRISBANE

Hostile Vehicle Mitigation

Hostile vehicles are a growing and dangerous threat in many parts of the world including Australia.

In addition to designing vehicle barrier systems, we can also help with designing vehicle checkpoints for identification, access control, and Automatic Number Plate Recognition.